For Christmas, one of my gifts from my eldest daughter and son-in-law was the book, The Art of Yoga, by Sharon Gannon and David Life; photography by Martin Brading. Not only is it beautiful, but I keep encountering thoughts in it that I want to quote to anybody who will listen:

"When we feel limitation in the body or the mind, it is an opportunity to concentrate on our true nature, which is love itself, beyond limitation."

"We spend the first part of our lives trying to acquire an identity, and the remainder of our lives desperately defending that identity. By letting go of that identity, we dare to venture into the unknown: Our potential."

"If the flute is clogged, no music can be played. When it is empty, beautiful music can come through it."
My other daugher gave me a soft, warm yellow robe. My darlings and friends who know me very well, know that I have always loved yellow best of all the gorr-geous colours in the world. Here is my new delicious yellow robe:

Nature Rarer Uses
by Emily Dickinson.
Nature rarer uses yellow
Than another hue;
Saves she all of that for sunsets,--
Prodigal of blue,
Spending scarlet like a woman,
Yellow she affords
Only scantly and selectly,
Like a lover's words.

"When we feel limitation in the body or the mind, it is an opportunity to concentrate on our true nature, which is love itself, beyond limitation."

"We spend the first part of our lives trying to acquire an identity, and the remainder of our lives desperately defending that identity. By letting go of that identity, we dare to venture into the unknown: Our potential."

"If the flute is clogged, no music can be played. When it is empty, beautiful music can come through it."
My other daugher gave me a soft, warm yellow robe. My darlings and friends who know me very well, know that I have always loved yellow best of all the gorr-geous colours in the world. Here is my new delicious yellow robe:

Nature Rarer Uses
by Emily Dickinson.
Nature rarer uses yellow
Than another hue;
Saves she all of that for sunsets,--
Prodigal of blue,
Spending scarlet like a woman,
Yellow she affords
Only scantly and selectly,
Like a lover's words.
Hah! Who cares if I look good. I feel good and warm in my yellow robe. The daughter who gave me this lovely robe had a doll once that she named 'Yellouise'. Cute, huh?
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