Tuesday, December 13, 2005

innocent people

I was stunned to read parts of Harold Pinter's acceptance speech of the Nobel Prize. I have never been able to see one of his plays, but have read a lot of Pinter's writing. Huitzel at Stone Bridge posted great portions of the speech, and reading it, I was horrified, but unable to stop reading. Of course, the U.S., acting like a rogue nation is not news, but to have it so clearly, step by step, spelled out in this speech by one of the greatest communicators of our time, was like a kick in the stomach. What is it that allows so many people to be completely blinded to the lies?

It must be a terrible thing to have your government doing evil in your name --theAmericanpeople, amen.

Here is a more cheerful note at the cassandra pages about what Clinton was able to do in Montreal.


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