Saturday, December 10, 2005

moonlit snow

It's amazing. Even with moonlight so bright it casts a shadow on the snow, here, without the light polution of cities, stars are visible in the billions! Sadly, I can only identify such things as the Big Dipper, Orion and the Pleiades.

A couple of days ago, on our afternoon walk around the meadows, the dogs and I found that hollow tree occupied with porcupines, at least two of them! Big surprise. I mentioned droppings before that I could not identify--not raccoon, not rabbit. Now we know. I got a good look, too, of the, didn't have the camera with me. That should be a lesson!

And tracks. What looked to me like the tracks of big dogs crisscross the meadows. Hmmm. Wolves? Coyotes? And I've seen deer tracks in the yard and laneway. But I've seen no wolves, coyotes or deer, yet.


Blogger Patry Francis said...

I envy you your clear view of the stars. Thanks for taking me along on your walk!

9:58 a.m.  

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