Thursday, January 24, 2008


Christmas was kind of depressing for me. Family issues, the looming financial wreck of trying to stay on here in this big old farmhouse, and being scheduled to work right through Christmas at my paying job in the city gripped me in an uncomfortable vise of dark emotions.
I had to really struggle to maintain any kind of cheerful attitude.
One bright spot was the enormous table of delicious pot-luck food we, the unfortunate ones who had to work, brought in to share with each other on Christmas Day.
Another bright spot was when Oldest Daughter and Son-in-Law took me out for a lovely lunch on Christmas Eve. Granddaughter kept us entertained with a non-stop, silly, Kaylee's point of view rambling commentary, quizzes, stories and jokes, in at least three languages.
On the way home in the car, I played the game "what would you rather..." with Kaylee.
"What would you rather," I asked her. "Lose your hearing or lose your ability to talk?"
"Lose my hearing!" she proptly replied.
That made us all laugh, and even Kaylee could see the humour in that.
"You don't take after your Mom or Gramma!" I declared.

Son-in-Law laughed, but wisely refrained from making any comment.

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