Thursday, January 06, 2005


This is ridiculous! I spent nearly 45 min trying to get up the driveway. No luck. Underneath a skim of newly fallen snow, the ice is deadly. I emptied a whole bag of kitty litter in the driveway trying to get traction. Still no luck. Furious, I trudged back into the house with Caspar under my arm to phone my youngest daughter and tell her not to expect me, I can't get out.

It started with such an auspicious sign. That startling red male cardinal was right outside the kitchen window this morning when I was putting the coffee on.

Once I realized I am not going anywhere today, unless I call someone to put more sand on the driveway, I had to give up on my plans to take the cats into town to live with my youngest daughter--at least for today.

I had everything ready, the car packed, and although I gave up on BooBear -- he was just hiding far too well for me to find him this time--I had Caspar in the car. He was quite vocal in his protests, saying, "Are you mad? Have you not heard the weather forecasts, the winter storm warnings, the snow warnings? You know I hate car rides. And in this weather, we should just get comfortable by a fire and forget about getting any work done, especially forget about driving anywhere in a car. You know I hate cars... What are you thinking? Meow!!"

As I'm a little vain about my driving -- in any weather, in the city, in the country, over tall buildings -- I admit, I was being stubborn about it. But after every attempt ended up with the car sliding crazily sideways and in circles all over the drive and the yard in front of the driveshed, I had to admit defeat. I'm not happy about it. I am soooo frustrated!

I have a long list of things I need to do, but I feel like crawling into bed and hiding, instead. Yes, I feel very, very sleepy.

So when I saw the cardinal again in the big cedar at the back of the yard, I just didn't know what to think. I find it very hard to accept that this is the way things are going to go today. But accept it I must. Maybe like Katherine, in the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun", I'll just lie down and when I wake up the ladybugs I was looking for will be all over me.


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