Monday, February 21, 2005

role models

Sometimes it's a mistake to read other writers. No, actually the mistake is probably to try to compare yourself to them. When one comes from a background where you have learned a subtle self-loathing, that is what immediatly pops into your mind. You compare yourself and come out a loser. Bad mistake. There is no rational explanation of it. While you also learned to despise people you know even a little more than yourself, other people you don't know, writers, musicians, authority figures get unquestioning respect--as if they just aren't quite human like oneself and all the people you know.

I want to stop judging. I want to allow myself and everyone else to just be themselves and enjoy that.

I want to just enjoy the good writing I encounter of so many other blogs, take it in, savor it and let it go. The rating and negativity have to go!

Nature seems to be like that, just be. Such a richness of variety, big and little, but in the end, the interrelationships of our lives are a never ending circle and vertical rating systems or hierarchies don't really describe nature well, do they? Maybe like the paper-scissors-rock game, human beings seem to be destroying everything else, but in the end, the 'success' of humans will be our own undoing, if we forget how dependent we are on the natural world for our existence.


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