Sunday, February 20, 2005

sunshine and apple trees

If it seems a little strange in my climate to be thinking apples, think again! Although it is still very cold, the ground is frozen and snow covers the ground, it is time to be thinking of pruning those apple trees.

I am looking at two large old ones outside my office/workroom window that need to be rejuvenated. There are also maybe 5-6 on the other side of the house, perhaps not as old, and maybe 3 crab apple trees...

Trouble is, my right arm is so painful again as to be nearly useless. I did take the old loppers and a small step ladder outside this morning and trimmed a few crossing and damaged branches, a few "waterspouts" etc., but not nearly enough. It seems besides a higher ladder, I will need somebody with strong arms. I just can't seem to do it these days.

This does have me a bit concerned, because I can't imagine not being able to garden, I mean hands-on gardening. I hope with rest and gentle massage, stretching and exercise, I will recover the use of my right arm and be pain-free again in time for all the spring work in the garden!

Although I admit to a niggling fear (the hypochondriac in me), I do believe the pain in my right arm is due only to overstrain.

Meanwhile, the sun is getting stronger, the days are getting longer, and one can feel the shift of the seasons, the turn in the wheel of the year swinging toward spring and those lovely heat-filled summer days in the garden! Even the air smells different!

I am eagerly wondering about the greenhouse and will have to give in to my urge to explore it more closely any minute now! The doorway to it is obstructed by some furniture that Ann's former housemate left behind. Ann is busy trying to sell it off and the ad in the paper has elicited many phone calls. Meanwhile, maybe I can shove some of it aside enough for me to squeeze through the door into the greenhouse, do you think?

I have been so preoccupied by packing and cleaning and unpacking and sorting, that gardening has been shoved into the background of my mind. But a day like today, the sunshine, the feeling that spring is coming soon...stirs up the juices, urges me to make plans, buy seeds, start gardening...oh dear!

Finding out what is already in the gardens, under the snow at the moment, will be another adventure that I look forward to.

Last night, while walking the dogs, I looked up at the waxing moon sailing majestically across the black sky overhead. The moonlight made diamonds of the snow crunching under my feet, diamonds blanketing the ground! Over to the south-west, Orion dominated the sky with his masculine stance. The Big Dipper hung upside-down in the northern sky. The sheer opulence of it, there for my enjoyment, more glitter than the fanciest dress-ball in the Big Apple! All I needed to do was bundle up warmly and go outside for a walk!


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