Thursday, May 18, 2006
"I thank You God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes"
--e.e. cummings
About Me
- Name: Kati
- Location: British Columbia, Canada
I am a writer, artist, gardener and wounded healer with a special interest in the natural world, the re-enchantment of design, and healthy, fabulous food. My home is my garden and workshop, and I use my travels as inspiration. I enjoy stepping off the beaten path to discover the unexpected and to re-connect with the awesome power of Nature to rejuvenate my soul.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
In Memory of a Great Dog: Molly

My Pal, Misty

- running in ethiopia , tales about the Great Ethiopian Run and other adventures in Ethiopia.
- flora abyssinica , some of the plant life I enjoyed in Ethiopia, March, 2007: latest post July 17, 2007
- Revisiting Ethiopia -- a summary of my trip to Ethiopia, March, 2007
- Spirit Doors
- Ethiopia Reads: help develop a reading culture in Ethiopia by connecting children with books.
- The Fistula Foundation: treating and preventing the childbirth injury obstretric fistula through supporting the Hamlin Fistula Hospitals in Ethiopia
- Water Can/Eau Vive: providing clean water, basic sanitation and hygiene education to the world's poorest people
- CARE: defending dignity, empowering girls and women in the fight against poverty; promoting education...
- Amnesty International: help end human rights violations
- Kiva, loans that change lives
How to Help:
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- morels
- mourning dove
- teaching and learning
- the long view
- more pics from my stay at my daughter's...
- actually.....!
- on my hands & knees
- blue skies, daffodils & hyenas
- still awol
- running away
- September 2004
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- A Garden Exempt from Public Haunt
- A Growing Delight
- Allottment Lady
- an eclectic garden
- Angela's Northern California Garden Blog
- An Iowa Garden, Don, Iowa City, Iowa
- A Photographer's Garden
- A Study in Contrasts, Kim, aka blackswampgirl, Ohio
- Autumn Cottage Diarist
- bean-sprouts, one family's search for the good life
- Bookish Gardener
- Calendula & Contrete
- Chloe's Garden, Victoria, Australia
- claire's garden, Scotland
- Cold Climate Gardening
- Colors Of the Garden, Kerri, Upstate NY
- Compost Bin, Anthony, New Jersey
- Crafty Gardener, Quinty West, Ontario
- Daughter of the Soil, Rebsie in the U.K.
- Dave's Allotment
- Diane's Baja Desert Garden Blog
- Digging, diary of an Austin gardener, Texas
- Dirt By Amy Stewart
- Dirt Divas Gardening, Alaska
- edge effect, meresy_g, Pennsylvania
- Ein Stuck Garten, Anita in Germany
- Empress of Dirt, Ontario
- 'Escape-Ology',an Antipodean Gardener's escape
- Gardening While Intoxicated
- gardenpath, Sandy in Main
- Girl Gone Gardening, Indiana
- Flatbush Gardener, xris, Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York
- Fliesstalleben, Sisah, in a small village just outside Berlin
- Free Man's Garden, Eleutheros, Southern Appalachia, U.S.
- Frog Garden, Roy in Australia
- Garden Bits, photos by Valerie, Austin, Texas
- The Garden Blog (of a gal growing Southern), South Carolina
- Garden Djinn, Jenn, Michigan
- Gardener In Chacala, Mexico
- Gardener to The Big House, Bob in the UK
- Gardening Tips 'n' Ideas, Stuart, Australia
- Garden Rant
- The Golden Gecko Garden Center Blog, California
- Googie's Garden, Victoria, Australia
- The Great Experiment, R. Sorrell, Austin, Texas
- Green Space, Heather and Elaine, Houston, Texas
- La Gringa's Blogicito, Honduras
- Hands In The Dirt, Don, Indianopolis, Indiana
- Hanneles paradis p...,Goteberg, Hisingen, SE
- Hillside Garden, Sigrun in Germany
- Horticultural, Jane Perrone, London,UK
- The Inadvertent Gardener, Genie, Iowa City
- and The Inadvertent Gardener's new site
- In My Kitchen Garden, Farmgirl in Missouri
- kate smudges in earth, paint and life
- the land of moo, Laura P, Midwest U.S.
- Les jardins d'Eve
- Le jardin de Sophie, Portugal
- Lindas tradgardsblogg
- long-toothed hinterland dweller
- Lottas tradgard
- Lost Roses, West Rocky Mountains
- Mas Du Diable
- MucknMire, Ki, New Jersey
- My Back 40
- My Bay Area Garden, Strata, Sunnyvale, California
- Native Growers
- Neues vom Lindenhof, Elisabeth in Baden Württemberg
- Of Spring and Summer
- Rosemarie's Garden, Chicago, Illinois
- Soul of the Garden, Tom Spencer, Austin, Texas
- The Transplantable Rose, Annie in Austin, Texas
- Tropical Embellishments, Christopher C. in Hawaii
- Tyra's Garden, Sweden
- the veggiepatch reimagined
- Zanthan Gardens, Austin, Texas
- Alaska Life
- An American in Africa, Leanne in Ghana
- Au fil du temps/As time goes by, Canada
- Beechwood Wetland Blog,Marnie, Toronto
- Beyond the Fields We Know, Kerrdelune, Ontario
- Bowen Island Journal, Chris Corrigan, B.C.
- Bricoleurbanism, Toronto
- Britt-Arnhild's House..., Norway
- Burning Silo, Eastern Ontario
- capturing the moment, Henderson, Nevada
- ckayaker, Quebec
- counting petals, Lene in Vermont
- Cozy Shack, north coast California
- Creature of the Shade, urbanist, tree watcher...
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- Dharma Bums, Olympic Peninsula : Washington
- earth home garden, Jim & Peg, southern California
- Edifice Rex, in northeast Alabama
- Endment, New York
- the farmers wife, rural Illinois
- Farmgirl Fare, rural Missouri
- Ferenge Addis Blog, Marc & Laurel, in Ethiopia
- Forest Walks, Mary near The New Forest, England
- for the love, Sara in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Fragments From Floyd, Fred in Virginia
- Geek Acres, Duane in Missouri
- The House & other Arctic Musings
- The Inman Road Chronicles, Lone Butte, B.C.
- jane's daily blah, Jane in South Korea
- Kim Gjerstad in Congo
- The Magpie Nest, pica and numeneus, Bay area, California
- Meskel Square, Andrew Heavens about Ethiopia
- Moonmeadow Farm, Rosemoon, North Carolina
- Nature is Profligate...Amity Wilczek, Harvard University
- Niches, Athens, Georgia
- Not So Virtual Homestead, Jersey
- nunablog, ian & jennifer
- Off The Grid, Maine etc.
- Ontario Wanderer, rural Ontario
- pile of o'melays, organic farmstead in Missouri
- Prairie Point, Dallas, Texas
- Pure Florida
- Pure Land Mountain, Living in Japan, Robert Brady
- Ranch Ramblins, Ozarks
- Riverside Rambles, Larry Ayers
- Roundrock Journal, on the edge of the Missouri Ozarks
- Rurality, Alabama
- Sand Creek Almanac, Deb, Minnesota
- 75 Degrees South
- Sugar Mountain Farm, Walter Jeffries, Vermont
- SwampThings, North Carolina
- Sylvia's Journals, Grand Bend, Ontario
- The Taming of the Band-Aid, Florida
- Things We Should Have Written Down, mostly sub-saharan musings
- 3rd House Journal
- Thomasburg Walks, Pamela in eastern Ontario
- Tjilpi, a 'rascally GP' in Australia's outback
- Toad in the Hole, Ron, California
- Creating "wildside" as Home
- alembic
- A line cast, a hope followed
- anyone lived in a pretty how town
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- The Book Mine Set, John Mutford, Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
- Book of Marvels
- but she's a girl...
- the cassandra pages
- Cider Press Hill
- Connaissances
- Daring to Write, Wenda, Richmond, B.C.
- Diary of a Self-Portrait
- The Factory Floor
- Hoarded Ordinaries, Lorianne, Keene, New Hampshire
- Humanyms
- I Was Just Thinking, Arefaynie Fantahun on Ethiopian books,films and music; in Addis Ababa
- Laughing Knees, Miguel Arboleda
- Literary License
- Loose Leaf Notes
- louder
- Mining Nuggets, Tamar Jacobson
- mole, by koshtra
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- Older, but no wiser..., Andy Borrow's
- Outside In
- Ramblings of a Skinny Little Blonde
- Simply Wait
- Somewhere on the masthead, Magazine Man
- Riverside Rambles, Larry, Missouri
- waiter rant
- All Things Seen and Unseen, Rob Marsh
- At the end of desire, Innana, New York
- Beyond the Fields We Know, Kerrdelune
- jack/zen
- Kristin Noelle
- Life in the Hollow
- Sacred Ordinary, aka Fran the Redondo writer
- Sister Earth
- The Story Midwife,
- Turtleheart Cove, Colorado
- Barbara's Blog
- Michael Berube
- CoffeeChiliSun, Dina in Ethiopia
- The Disgruntled Chemist
- Echidne of the Snakes
- Filweha Pundit, about Ethiopia
- Firedoglake
- For the Defense
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- It's morning somewhere
- Marian's Blog
- Muck and Mystery
- Pharyngula
- Pinko Feminist Hellcat
- Shakespeare's Sister
- mechachal yichalal, ideas to unite Ethiopians
- Urael, blogger from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Via Negativa, Dave Bonta
- What She Said!
- Women of Color Blog
- a la recherche de l'Absolu, France
- a beautiful revolution
- Blaugistine
- The Creative Journey, Karen Winters
- Diary of a Self-Portrait
- Eidolon, Graham McArthur, Australia
- Everyday Matters, Danny Gregory
- Greenish Lady, Ireland
- harmonyinline, New York
- Izel Cottage, Sandy's photos, west coast Canada
- Knitsteel's Xanga Site
- Land of Little Rain, Maureen, Montana
- Little Miss Arty Pants
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- Marja-Leena Rathje
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- Seeing Anew, Judith in Ohio
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- Villin pihan tarinoita
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- almost turkish recipes, Burku, U.S.
- Anna's Cool Finds, around Marin County, California
- les bonheurs de sophie
- Coffee & Cornbread, a southern cook
- Cook (almost) Anything at least once, Haalo in Melbourne, Australia
- Experimentation of Taste, chrispy
- Gattina, New Jersey via Hongking and Singapore
- Jumbo Empanadas, Brilynn, Canada
- Kalyn's Kitchen
- Morsels & Musings, Anna in Sydney, Australia
- Once Upon A Feast, Ruth, Toronto
- The Serendipitous Chef, Surfindaave, Socal, California
- Sweetnicks-Food & Life, Cate
- La tartine gourmande, Bea in Boston
- Vicious Ange, food&wine diary by Ange, Melbourne, Australia
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- What Did You Eat?, Sher, California
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- Yarn!
- A Hidden Well
- Apprentice of Wonder
- Archaelogist's Xanga site
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- Britt-Arnhild's House in the Woods, Norway
- Dreaming What Ifs..., Oregon
- Green, Blue, Brown...
- Fate, Felicity, or Fluke, Rose, coastal Oregon
- Hipchickmamma goes to seminary
- Hurry Up and Wait, Dennis, Phoenix, Arizona
- jellyhead
- Lorna in Wonderland
- maison madcap, Canada
- Message in a bottle, Horizon in Scotland
- Meteorites in Suburbia
- mydestiny, Rajinder Singh, New Delhi, India
- Peppylady almost perfect world, Idaho
- Perennial Effervescence
- Up A Creek Without a PatL
- Sacred Ordinary, Fran, California
- Bat Conservation International
- Bird Life Finland; Suomen ja Euroopan linnut kuvissa
- Bug Bios, "shameless promotion of insect appreciation"
- Bug Guide
- Common Dreams, News Center: news & views for the progressive community
- Evergreen
- Field Botanists of Ontario, Trent University
- Flora Ontario, University of Guelph, Integrated Botanical Information System
- The Garden's Gift
- Interweave Press, fibre arts magazine
- John Muir, Sierra Club
- Kasvitieteellinen Keskusmuseo: puutarha, Helsinki
- Monarch Watch, from the University of Kansas Entomology Program
- Native Growers
- Native Plants Crossroads
- Natural Heritage Information, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
- Ontario Ferns, by Walter Muma
- Ontario Trees & Shrubs, by Walter Muma
- Ontario Wildflowers, by Walter Muma
- Organic Consumers Association
- Poison Ivy Information Page
- Royal Botanical Gardens
- Tree of Life Web Project
- UBC Botanical Garden
- Wild About Gardening,from the Canadian Wildlife Federation
- Wild Flower Watch & Amusements
- Wildlife Ontario
- The World of Mosses, Walter Muma
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Cute! I have cats..I'm still here reading your posts!!
Oh that is just too cute.
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