Wednesday, December 15, 2004

hopes and dreams

So. Anyone out there who loves me, pray this works out for me. I will know better after the weekend, but there is a chance that I have found a new place to live. That's all I can say for now.

The stars last night were spectacular again. There is so litttle light-pollution from cities out here that the stars are quite clear. Having the barnyard light nearly non-functioning also helps, as looking at the night-sky in that direction when it did work, severely faded out the stars.

I've been watching some of the birds at my feeders this morning as a enjoy my coffee---oops! Yes, I admit it. On automatic pilot this morning, I put the coffee on and only after I had done it, did I realize that I had tried to go off coffee. Oh well...

At the feeders, and in the yard, I have seen a woodpecker , chickadees, bluejays, juncos, finches, and mourning doves. In the quarry to the south of me, I can also hear Canada geese that are still about.


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