planning the garden

I was inspired byGillian (see Gillian's plan for her gardeh here at mytinyplot) , whom I discovered via Jane Perrone at horticultural, to make my own plans (finally) for my vegetable garden. Naturally, it is stuffed with things I'd like to grow and I omitted zillions of things I would also like to grow...It is SO difficult to narrow things down. Generally, I find just the work of digging and putting things in, when physical limitations and the shortage of free time dictate, the garden just ends up being limited naturally -- to whatever I was able to put in before body/daylight gave out.
But planning is half the fun. I go through reams of graph paper, re-arranging beds, visualizing things in my head... I have no doubts that the plan below will be revised again. But for what it's worth, here's my plan for my vege-garde

Kati, all I can say is, I'm touched. It's great that mtp has inspired you to redesign your plot. May all your future vegetable beds be triangular :)
I confess some your triangles inspired me!
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